Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why does he act like this?

I was walking in the auditorium to meet my class for this concert i was having then bobby followed me in there and asked me like 7 times what i was doin and i said i have a concert then i told him my dad was coming and he was like your dad's coming here like he was happy about it or something so then basicely we went in this corner and he was askin me what was good and everything so my teacher came out and told me i was late so bobby kept talkin to me then hugged me and was like ok you gotta go so he walked me to the entrance door and had his hand on my back then slid it down to my butt then he talked to me alittle then grabbed my hand and watched the performance and i overheard him asking somethin about me to this girl he was sitting with then when we were done he was standing by my seat and gave me a hug and asked where my dad was.then the next day he told me how good i was around a bunch of these guys he was with. He squeezed my butt on valentines day and asked me 2 his house does he like me

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